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Explosion of battery in which case...


 Its life gets end ...                            

 Life of battery is a very complicated and hot topic in the field of ant electronic field. The decrease in the sale of Samsung smartphone and battery used in it have a very closed connection. Previously Samsung declared that the battery used in the Samsung Galaxy is the best battery for the functioning of smartphones. But their competitors like I phone 6S and 7 plus performed better in the market 6than Samsung. Due to the various problems created on the phone, Samsung recall all these batteries for the modification but that techniques were also unsuccessful. At last, they stopped the production of that complicated part of the phone.

Improving a battery life requires much research and development may require a decade. But for keeping in the competition company failed to make a complete R and D on it because of keeping the company first

According to customers report, it is observed that the battery of smartphone operates for less than 24 hours,, sometimes Laptop works for few hours and electric car struggle for covering 350 miles. All these problems show that there is a critical problem in which all companies are struggling. For that much R and D are required

What is battery

Inside the metal and a plastic little box, there is some chemicals that make a reaction to convert chemical energy. That chemical energy gets activated when the smartphone is plugged changing to reset chemical the energy within the battery, transferring electrons from the negative anode to the cathode – the positive end of the battery. The Anode is the negative or reducing electrode that releases electrons to the external circuit and oxidizes during an electrochemical reaction. The  #Cathode is the positive or oxidizing electrode that acquires electrons from the external circuit and is reduced during the electrochemical reaction.

 After charging the battery, with the help of a circuit there is a transfer of electron which creates electrical energy which is used for operating the smartphone.

What is the composition of the battery?

In a small case made from plastic and metal, there are three components which are cathode, anode, and electrolyte. These three components play a very important role in making the chemical energy into electrical energy. In a smartphone and other electronic gadgets, there is a use of the lithium-ion battery. In a case, there is a metal oxide cathode made of cobalt, nickel, manganese, or iron mix and porous graphite anode along with lithium salt electrolyte.

In a battery as per the requirement of energy, there is a transfer of electron fro anode to cathode with the completed circuit of smartphone again to anode

Why not, battery lasts for a long time?

Understanding the principle behind that battery is simple, but there is much difficulty in working the conversion of energy in a very small case. The main reason behind that battery which does not last for more time is that its energy density

A battery used in the equipment can create energy as per the component used in it. Within the component used, there is a storage of energy. All the other materials used for creating the entry such as metal and plastic cases, wires, and other required materials are an active part of energy creation but physically they add weight to the body of the smartphone nota power.

The performance of any battery depends upon the energy density of the battery, which means components of the battery. In the decade of 1990, the energy density of lithium batteries was much satisfactory. But due to the recent R and D, there is a remarkable change in the energy density of lithium batter 

In the current position, there is an only solution to increase battery life is power efficiency and to increase the size of the battery. But due to the advanced technology, there is too much demand for lightweight and thin #smartphones. For that increase in the size of the battery is the main barrier.

What is the reason for not maintaining the constant life of the battery?

Life of battery is not constant and not give a constant performance, The performance of the battery gets reduces slowly because of recharging and discharging of the battery.

Due to the use of various components of the battery, there is a deposition of the lithium layer on the electrodes. Due to this, there is a decrease in the production of electricity. Due to this, there is an increase in the internal resistance which causes the lowering of the energy.

The higher the resistance the harder the battery has to work to maintain a usable voltage and so the amount of power it can produce per charge decreases

Battery explosion? What is the problem?

Lithium a based battery having a higher energy density is available in the market but for the portable devices, there are not safe so far as the use of the battery.

According to the recent survey and invention, it is observed that the more is the energy density more is the chance of explosion of the battery. For the explosion of the battery, there is only a reason for thermal runway

(Thermal runaway occurs in situations where an increase in temperature changes the conditions in a way that causes a further increase in temperature, often leading to a destructive result. It is a kind of uncontrolled positive feedback.) Consideration of safety and thermal runway concept is also very necessary. If a battery's temperature goes beyond 80C, it suffers thermal runaway, where the components start to decompose, and that’s when it can explode.

By keeping the existing technology as it is which is related to energy density. If the energy density of the battery increases by controlling the various variable, then it is possible to extend the life of the battery. If more R and D performed by companies, then the energy density  may get increased

A typical lithium-ion battery using lithium manganese oxide has a theoretical power density of 280 Wh/kg, but the final product only has 150Wh/kg so there is certainly room for improvement.

“It’s about optimizing the structure within the battery,” says Wu. “If you imagine inside your battery, you have this porous structure full of the active material.”

“For higher power output, you need a more porous structure to increase the surface area and allow more lithium ions through at any one time, but because it’s got more holes it holds less active material, which in turn gives you lower capacity.”

In addition to that current technology, some more invention is going on which is related to lithium-sulfur and lithium silicon.

Future of Battery Technology

The main disadvantages of a lithium-ion battery are that in the presence of applied external pressure, there may be chances of the explosion of a battery

Main The advantages of lithium-ion battery is that there is a reusable of lithium material anode which has a good energy density but its use is dangerous.

In some technology, the solid-state battery does not need of porous carbon and which  reduces the weight of the battery, but there is a less contribution less energy density

There is also an invention that is going on on metal-air battery in which there is the use of zink, lithium, or aluminum. For that more research is necessary which may require 20 years

There are a few things you can do to help prolong the life of your battery. The nature of the chemical reaction inside the battery means that it has to work harder in the last 20% of discharge and above 80% of charging.

For a better life of lithium battery, better to keep charging between 20 % to 80 %

Smart power management systems are currently being developed that do just that when plugged into a wall overnight.

Batteries should not be plug continuously just laptop is plugged continuously. For the better management of the battery, there should completely discharge and recharged  once in a month


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